Sunday, October 18, 2015

A big scare...and goodbye

Had a big scare this morning.

I got up at about seven and took a shower and slowly took my time packing up, drinking coffee and relaxing. I finished packing up my bike box and I went online to schedule a UPS pick up for Monday morning. I guess I should've looked into this earlier but UPS said they would not pick up in the ZIP Code. My mind raced as I check the clock. I saw that I had enough time to hop on a bus and drag the thing to the closest UPS store. However, this would mean taking "the walk "while dragging a 62 pound box behind me. Again my mind raced is I'll try to figure out a schedule, I considered getting and Uber XL instead and try to figure out if I can still pick up bus 111 somewhere further down the route.

I figured I had to at least check out first and then drag the thing out to Westwood Boulevard. On a whim, I asked the girl at the front desk if UPS came and any kind of a regular basis to make pick ups and she said yes, basically every day. I explained my situation and with a giant sigh of relief I dragged the behemoth inside and they allowed me to put it behind the front desk.

So I guess all is well and it will be back in route home sometime on Monday. So now I sit once again at Westwood and Central Florida Parkway, an hour ahead of schedule, reflecting and thinking about the pieces of pizza I packed in my bag to munch on before I head into the terminal.

I went into crisis mode when I thought that having my bike picked up would be an issue and it messed up my philosophical morning thinking about the week that just went by and the weeks and months ahead until I return. It's overcast today, cool with the slightest breeze. So now with 12 or 13 minutes until my bus comes, I attempt to resume my moment to ponder here on a park bench, as I leave Orlando.

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